
Showing posts from May, 2022

Legal Structure

 I have been in business with my husband for 30 years and so feel I have a good understanding of the intricacies of setting up and maintain an business.  My knowledge translates well into an online setting as  the business setup does not differentiate drastically from a brick and mortar to an online entity.  Knowing that the process is so similar makes the idea of having an online business more desirable, although I still will probably not start one in the near future.  The research I did was not necessarily informative but it was a good exercise to make sure I was up to speed on processes and formalities.  I am still a big proponent for an L.L.C. even if you are an online affiliate.  Business separation from personal assets can be the only thing that keeps you from being homeless in today's entitled customer climate.  There is such a very low risk of litigation with an online affiliate business but even side hustles are susceptible and as you grow your website and business more ri

Site Design

 Since I started this class last semester, I already had a web site started.  This week I went back into my site and continued the process I had to put on pause last semester.  I reoriented myself to my site and the process I had in place.  I cleaned up areas I started and added others that I thought would help get me a good grade in the future.  It is by no means an exemplary site but I am satisfied with it so far.  Since I did not start it this semester I though I would include my thought from last semester's post. "So this week was it, I started creating my very first web site.  I am more than a little intimidated by the whole process but as I get started I am finding I understand a little here and a little there and the holes I am learning to google them.  I started out following a video that was provided in the lesson material and had a mild panic attach when one of the plugins required to move forward was not available.  I took a deep breath and started looking at the op

Site Builder & Hosting

 There is so much to consider when staring to build and design a website.  I grew up in a construction environment so I often find myself comparing the task or operation I am working on in terms of building a house.  The first part was trying to classify all the different companies into workable categories.  With the help of my nephew, I figured out that sites like GoDaddy, Bluehost, or HostGator are the ground upon which you build your house.  It is the dirt.  Then Wix, Weebly, or Wordpress are the house without any fixtures or furnishings.  The walls are there and the water and electricity is run throughout but there are no chairs, or pictures, and the walls a painted a basic industrial white.  The domain name is the address to the house so your mail can find you.  This understanding helped me compare apples to apples between the different items we were evaluating.  All my work was academic as I already had a server, and software available to me through my nephew, as web hosting is o

Sourcing the Product

 The one thing I learned about sourcing is that there is no one good way to source.  There are so many things to consider and the importance of those items change based on what is being sourced, that you need to know what you are selling ad to who before you ever decide on where to get the product.  A cursory look for options is probably a good idea when you are trying to decide what to sell but any more research at that point is a waste of time until you have a business plan in place.  What kind of business and what you are selling can change what source points are important.  Shipping is less important than variety if you are looking to have a lot of inventory but want a large option base for your customers.  Shipping becomes more important if the item you are selling is constantly being upgraded or improved.  A new cell phone today is trash in six months when the next greatest phone comes out.  Waiting a month for a delivery could mean you are left with unwanted stock.  Once you kno